Good morning beauties!!! It's going to be a great day, I can feel it!!! Or it could just be the 3 cups of java I have consumed this fine morning?? Well either way, some of you have asked me the divine question of how to get rid of, or cover up dark under eye circles. I have been reading and scouring thru articles trying to find that one perfect, miracle product or idea to cure your ills. BUT, there are sooo many so called cures and cover ups so I thought I would list for you the things that I have found and let you decide your plan of action.

Unfortunately as we age along, the evidence of time is never more apparent then under the eyes, the hands and our necks! UGH! The most common evidence of this is the development of dark circles underneath the eyes, puffy under-eye skin and the formation of fine lines and wrinkles as we lovingly refer to them as the dreaded crow's feet! While it is possible to change or alter our lifestyles to counteract these developments such as getting more sleep, relieving stress(as I bust out in laughter), and stop indulging in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and excessively drinking alcohol, the truth of the matter is that there are many other reasons why these condition develop.
For example:
* Those ole family genes, if your momma has em, guess what baby?
* If you have congestion problems and or allergies
* Too much times worshiping that great and lovely sun
* Poor Diet
* Extreme Weight Loss
* Chronic Sinusitis
* Lack of Vitamin K
* Engorged Blood Vessels
* Broken Capillaries in the Skin
* Dehydration
* Fluid Retention(Puffiness under the eyes)
* LACK OF SLEEP......When we rest and are less stressed, our skin enters its growth and repair cycle, without this time our skin tends to become paler and a reduction in the blood circulation begins which causes the blood vessels to become more visible through the skin.
NOW, here are some at home treatments that may be able to help and are "Do-able"!!
* Do a hydrating facial mask a couple times a week, it may help to reduce the puffiness and discoloration.

* If the dark circles are due to swelling and fluid retention, some as simple as applying cool tea bags or cucumber slices under the eyes may bring relief. (Cucumbers are rich in water that help to reduce the puffiness and refresh the appearance of you skin, they have a very soothing effect on the eye)Apply for ten minutes to
closed eyes!
*Applying an eye cream every day is essential!! Look for a product that treats dark circles, most eye creams designed to treat this condition will contain retinol, Aloe Vera, Vitamin K and alpha hydroxyl acid. It's NEVER TOO LATE TO START USING AN EYE CREAM!!!
* Wash your face with cold or lukewarm water in the morning and in the evening if you suffer from puffiness, the cold water calms the skin and constructs the blood vessels.
* Drink plenty of water which of course helps your body stay hydrated and improves circulation.
* And my final tip......CONCEALER!!! Of course cleanse and moisturize your face first and foremost! Apply your concealer lightly to the under eye area, using your ring finger which is the lightest. Always dab, don't rub! Choose a concealer with a yellow or peachy undertone and a shade lighter than your skin tone to neutralize the blue and the green colors in the under eye circles.