Good morning beauties!!! So, I have a lot on my mind and have been pondering on so many ideas and avenues to take and blah, blah, blah. I adore the idea of studying to be a freelance makeup artist, few things though..... First is the time, full cosmetology schooling is out of the question(too many other responsibilities to tend to), second, I would kill to attend MAC'S Award School in L.A., it's a 7 day course that covers anything and everything I need to fullfill or at least jump start my dream.......ummmmmm, IT"S REALLY EXPENSIVE and I have 2 kids and a very busy self employed husband who is incredibly encouraging, but the guilt of being gone would consume me!!!!! All you mom's know the extreme guilt of spending that much moolah and time on ourselves, especially when I have a teenage son who just got his temps and is going to need a vehicle this summer! And not to mention what if I took the leap and went here, spent the money and completely fell on my booty???? Is that insecurity or what???? LOL...I'm pitiful!
I know I'm not a spring chicken anymore, but I also know that I want to stand on my own two cute little feet and feel empowered, feel accomplished, feel like I have something I can call my own and work it and help it grow and succeed and say man.... I did THAT!! And I know that those words should be about my children and helping them grow and accomplish life, and it is, I just need to feel that in another avenue. I sit and daydream of what my "Makeup Design Studio" would look like, I drive by old bldg's that have so much character to them that you can taste it, and imagine how I would make it my own! I imagine my pink and black striped awning over the front entrance with my name and logo so proudly displayed!!! So WHY AM I SO SCARED????? Is it age? Money? Time? Midlife Crisis?(.....no, no huge gold chains draped from my neck, no fake tan and no corvette in sight)
But I do know this, the word of God says in J
eremiah 29:11 that....."For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you...plans to give you hope and a future." And God's word is true, I just wonder if it's for this time in my life or if that verse has set sail for me? And of course in
Matthew 19:26 everyone knows that His word says
"With God all things are possible." and again I know God's word to be true and the doubt is not in Him, it's in ME!
So, as I anguish, ponder, toil, think and re-think and pray over my decisions and finding my purpose......here are a couple of pictures of me doing some make-up retouches on some beauties, who by the way didn't need my assistance but I enjoyed every minute of it!! Woo-Hoo!
Well, THAT'S pretty cut and dry.....and on a JAVA CUP to boot!!!