Again, I am so super excited!! I feel like poo (got a cold)but received a message from the creative director of JANE.TV asking if I would be interested in being a guest blogger for the launch of the JANE.TV network THIS FRIDAY!!!! I of course was thrilled to death and sent all the information that was requested and forgot all about my feeling like poo, that was until I sat down here to my quiet office and started typing and realized how horribly badly my head and throat hurt!!!! Geez, so much for the adrenaline kick! Anyway, thanks be to the Lord for another opened door, because if you knew me, you would know why all praise and recognition belong to HIM and HIM alone.....someone told me the other day that
"Rainee, to know you, is to love you" that a compliment??? ha, ha
~check out my website @
AND also, check out JANE.TV's launch of their fabulous women's network THIS FRIDAY!!!

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