
Monday, February 14, 2011

Lovely lashes

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!
Well, I have been sorta busy lately, haven't posted in a couple of days......YA MISS ME???? Woo-Hoo!!!! I have some info that I thought I would share from my vault of endless knowledge and wisdom that flows from this fountain of mine............or from an article that I spotted in the great awesome book of *Sephora*.........Whichever!  Here are some tips for proper mascara application, and little tricks and treats!

TIP #1) If you get too much mascara on your lashes, douse a toothbrush with a little eye makeup remover and gently go over the lashes. If there is any runaway mascara on the lid, use a Q-Tip that's been hit with a little remover and gently dab the area marred!
Tip #2) Never ever curl your lashes when there is mascara on them, the lashes are drier and very breakable.
Tip #3) When you apply your mascara, set the mascara wand at the base of your lashes and wiggle it back and forth through the lashes. You want the biggest deposit to be on the lash line and not the tips.
Tip #4) If you have one, immediately comb lashes out with a lash comb, the key is to get in there with the comb before your mascara dries.
Tip #5) Always use a primer for them lashes girlies!!

A favorite find of mine: I purchased a product from a friend who works at a plastic surgeons office and I'm sure you have seen it magazines and commercials, it's called Latisse. It claims to aid in lash growth and I am here to tell you.....IT ABSOLUTELY, TOTALLY WORKS!!!!!! If I could afford it, I would keep purchasing this awesome miracle liquid! From what I know, it was created by a husband who's wife had gone thru chemotherapy and had lost her eyelashes and he wanted to make something to help grow hers back........which makes this product that much sweeter! It made my eyelashes grow so much that they were actually annoying me when I would wear my glasses because they were rubbing on the lenses when I would blink!!!! I WAS IN LASH LOVE!!!!!! So, if you can save some moo-lah and try this awesome product, I highly encourage you to do so, or if your loaded and can lay approx. $125 down for Bout 3-4 weeks of Latisse then more power to ya sista!!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!! Here's a quick pic of my Latisse outcome......use wisely..........and bring your hedge trimmers!

SIDE NOTE~ ....the reason we always open our mouths when applying mascara is because when your jaw drops, your eyes open!.......

So there you have it, a plethora of knowledge from this over 40 makeup blogger!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Got another lash tip from my Mary Kay days :) Use a brown mascara first - this helps to thicken the lashes. Then use a black on just the tips of the lashes - Back then, we called it 'the minking effect' :)


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