
Monday, March 14, 2011


Soooo, I have been trying to investigate on the reasoning behind a lot of you who tell me that you cannot seem to be able to leave a comment.  Understand that it's not the easiest thing in the world and you do have to be somewhat knowledgable of the cyber world..........SORRY!!!!  I certainly am  NOT "Cyber Savvy" by any stretch of the imagination so i feel your pains!  The easiest way I believe to leave a comment is this:

~ under the comment box you see the drop down menu which says "Select Profile", click on the arrow and you receive different options on which profile you want to choose to leave your comment.
~ the easiest is to click "Google Account", I would assume that almost everyone will have a google account.  And it may prompt you to sign in under your google account user name and password, but after you do that then it's smooth sailing baby!!
~ Or you can try to leave one as "Anonymous"......ooooh so mysterious!!!
~ If not,  I understand that that is A LOT to ask of you to set up a google account just to leave comments for me!!

I'm sorry that I don't have any more knowledge than that, but like I said, the cyber world is quite intimidating at times but I muttle thru it and get by with a slight limp!  Ha, Ha

Have a blessed day, and if I may I just wanted to say thanks to the Lord, for keeping my family and I safe, for waking me up with a sound mind and healthy body, for blessing me when I don't deserve it and for His grace and mercy that follow me all the days of my life, and for being a God that never fails........He is deserving of a "Shout-Out" this morning!!!!!!!  


  1. If you write your comment, select profile, check Google Account, click the Preview button it should prompt you to sign in to your Google Account, so sign in, then click Post Comment button!

  2. NOW, there is a the word *Subscribe* under the big white comment box, I believe that if you click on that, it will alert you via E-mail when a follow up comment has been posted!.............I THINK!!!! Hahahaha


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